Issues when installing student version

Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A


I downloaded the installation file yesterday and tried to install it. However, when i run 'HW11.0-StudentEdition_win32' it asks me to choose a folder for installation. After choosing a folder it takes about 10 seconds until it asks me for another folder to install in. Every time it asks for this it creates a few folders and files. The folders created are:
I1358281737\InstallerData\**different folders and files**
I1358281737\Windows\** differens folders and files **

The same folders are created every time it asks for new installationfolder, except for the name of the parent folder 'I1358281737' that changes a few of its numbers.

When browsing the installation manual on the download site, i find that the Java-installation wizard never starts. It doesnt look anything like in the installations manual.

I try to install it on a laptop with Windows 7 64bit.

Any ideas?

Best regards,


  • Rahul_P1
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2014

    Hi Robert,

    were you able to install the student edition?

    If you are still having issues, can you please test the md5 checksum of the executable at your end?
    please check the md5 values from our website

    please also let us know if you have enough space in the folder you are installing in and have full permissions in that folder.

    The HyperWorks installer will first extract the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) and the install modules to the TMP location of the machine.

    Therefore can you please check if you have admin rights/ write permissions and enough space at the location of your TMP and TEMP variables. you can check the location of these variables from

    1. Right click on My Computer from the Start menu

    2. Choose Properties from the context menu

    3. Click Advanced system settings > Advanced tab

    4. Click on Environment Variables,
