Difficulties installing HW 12 Student Edition
Dear support team,
i am experiencing difficulties installing your HyperWorks 12 Student Edition on my new Sony Vaio Pro 13'. (see screenshot)
Even after installing the latest Java Version 7 Update 51. For any guidance and assistance from your side i will be greatful.
Installing HyperWorks 11 Student Edition did not solve my problem, because it is not able to run on my Windows 8.1 64 bit system.
Any idea what the problem might be?
Thank you for your reply.
The error you get is because you are using Windows 8.
Please follow the steps listed in the below link,
To install the student edition, HW 12 in a windows 8 machine follow these steps
Make an installation in another Windows machine like windows 7, zip it up, send it to windows 8 machine and then unzip it into the Windows 8 machine. (or just copy it over and also maintain the directory structure.)
If the above workaround is too inconvenient or not feasible, Let me Know and I will send you a windows 8 compatible beta version.
Thanks and regards
Rahul Ponginan
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