Significance of corner data??..

Altair Employee
edited July 2023 in Community Q&A

Through documentation i came to know how hyperview use nodal values to calculate stresses when corner data is activated.
Can i get a brief idea of the significance of corner data?. Or some link to hyperworks desktop reference manual where i can get clarified regarding this topic. Like, when to use it?, Which application it works good? or like when it doesn’t work good?..

Thanks for the help.



  • Rahul_P1
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2014

    Below link will help you to know more about corner data.

    By default optistruct will give you element centroid based result. If user is interested in nodal based result then in loadstep subcase section invoke the option of Output : stress , location : corner.
    In Hyperview contour panel averaging method is available for calculating unaverage (none) and (simple) average stresses.

    Rahul R

  • Rahul_P1
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2014

    Hi Vignesh,

    There is a very detailed description of corner data, its significance and use in the HyperWorks student guide,
    The section called - Stress Calculation and Output in RADIOSS of chapter 14 is a must read for this topic,

    See also page 166 of the student guide, here we see an example about stress concentration in a plate with a hole, this is a good example where corner stress results are necessary,
    You see, by default the element stresses for shell (and solid elements) are output at the element center only. In other words, these stresses are not exactly the ones “existing” at the hole. To better resolve the stresses at the hole, the element stresses are output at the grid points using bilinear extrapolation (in HyperMesh activate the Control cards > Global output request > Stress >
    Location: Corner).

  • tonychen
    tonychen New Altair Community Member
    edited November 2022

    Hi Vignesh,

    There is a very detailed description of corner data, its significance and use in the HyperWorks student guide,
    The section called - Stress Calculation and Output in RADIOSS of chapter 14 is a must read for this topic,

    See also page 166 of the student guide, here we see an example about stress concentration in a plate with a hole, this is a good example where corner stress results are necessary,
    You see, by default the element stresses for shell (and solid elements) are output at the element center only. In other words, these stresses are not exactly the ones “existing” at the hole. To better resolve the stresses at the hole, the element stresses are output at the grid points using bilinear extrapolation (in HyperMesh activate the Control cards > Global output request > Stress >
    Location: Corner).

    Hi, i have question for this topic,

    so in the engineering problem,i solve and i get plastic vonMises stress.

    my material card use mats1(give the two point "one is yield point and the other is ultimate point" form the curve)


    my question here

    if turn on the option(corner data) and my vonMises stress result will greater than ultimate strength.

    if turn off the option(corner data) and my vonMises stress result will less than ultimate strength and greater than yield strength.

    so should i open the option of "use corner data" or not?

  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2022
    tonychen said:

    Hi, i have question for this topic,

    so in the engineering problem,i solve and i get plastic vonMises stress.

    my material card use mats1(give the two point "one is yield point and the other is ultimate point" form the curve)


    my question here

    if turn on the option(corner data) and my vonMises stress result will greater than ultimate strength.

    if turn off the option(corner data) and my vonMises stress result will less than ultimate strength and greater than yield strength.

    so should i open the option of "use corner data" or not?

    corner data extrapolates the results from gauss points to the element corners. So usually it will be more accurate than simply elemental stress (interpolated from gauss points to element centroid).


    But this different should be small enough if your mesh is refined enough to capture stress correctly. If your mesh is too coarse, these discrepancies will be higher.

  • Yurillo
    Yurillo Altair Community Member
    edited July 2023

    Hi Vignesh,

    There is a very detailed description of corner data, its significance and use in the HyperWorks student guide,
    The section called - Stress Calculation and Output in RADIOSS of chapter 14 is a must read for this topic,

    See also page 166 of the student guide, here we see an example about stress concentration in a plate with a hole, this is a good example where corner stress results are necessary,
    You see, by default the element stresses for shell (and solid elements) are output at the element center only. In other words, these stresses are not exactly the ones “existing” at the hole. To better resolve the stresses at the hole, the element stresses are output at the grid points using bilinear extrapolation (in HyperMesh activate the Control cards > Global output request > Stress >
    Location: Corner).

    Hi Rahul,
    please where can I find the HyperWorks student guide you mentioned? I can't find it on Altair's website. 

    Thank you,
    Yuri Scuratti