optimization-of-a-formula-student-monocoque - CFK

Altair Employee
edited 2020 04 in Community Q&A


i have some trouble with the tutorial.

in Section 2.2 Size-optimization setup -->Step 2: Editing the ply-shapes for later manufacturability
You edit the ply elements and i tried to do the same, but as i compare the results, i noticed some problems to get the same result. So please give me some advise for my questions.

The 1st point is: i can't select any element by window, geom etc. only by click on them. Each element on its own. is there any special i have to activate or tool i have to use?
The 2nd point is: it seems to me, that you just add some elements to the ply 12200. in the screen shots there are some holes in the ply. I got the same result at my trys. But i don't now how to add elements to an empty space or do you use functions, like you can use to clean a plane from holes? How do you do that?
And 3rd and last point for now is: is it possible to make a rule that for example the topply should not move or be optimised? because i have a carhood and i want to optimise it, but the top-ply should not be edited by the optimisation. Because if there is any change the face/design is gone.

Thank you.
Best regards.
Nils Englisch


  • Rahul_P1
    Altair Employee
    edited 2014 02


    the composite tutorial requires some basic knowledge about HyperWorks model handling and selection functions. You can learn the selection methods by opening the 'How-to-get-started' video series onhttp://www.altairuniversity.com -> free learning.

    1)The selection by window (quick selection) method can be done by holding the shift key + dragging the mouse with the left button clicked (or the right mouse button to unselect). Additional selection methods appear when you click on the yellow 'elements' selection field. The selection options are various like selecting by component, by face angle, by saving and retrieving (copy paste), by plane ...

    2) The closing of the 'holes' in the proposed ply layup needs to be done by selecting the appropriate elements manually (e.g. with the described quick selection)

    3) You need to create a second ply layup (laminate) comprising only the plies that should not be optimized. When defining the design variable for the sizing, add all laminates to the design space except for the one to keep fixed. If a laminate is not part of the design variable it will not be changed in the iterations.

  • Altair Forum User
    Altair Forum User
    Altair Employee
    edited 2015 08


    i've got a problem with the tutorial. In some parts it's no so clear.

    1) when i create the materials(CFK0, 45, insertCFK, etc), which elemnts should i choose? I guess Monocoque and inserts.. correct?

    2) which are the laminate design space? which is the laminate non design space?




    p.s. is it possible to fine the file shock_mount_element_adjustment.hm of  the example at pag.233 of the Practical Aspect of  Structural Optimization Guide?