Important Update Regarding the Recent Help Outage

Altair Employee
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A


Recent versions of the Inspire and Inspire Cast help are no longer accessible from the product due to a web server upgrade.

Inspire Cast versions 2019.1 through 2019.3 are impacted as they do not include locally packaged help as part of the installation.

New version of Inspire Cast 2019.3.1 that fixes the issue are now available on the solidThinking Portal, Altair Connect, and Altair University:


solidThinking Customers

Inspire Cast 2019.3.1


Altair HyperWorks Customers

Inspire Cast 2019.3.1


Altair University Customers

Inspire Cast 2019.3.1


More information, including links to online help and offline help packages for the affected versions, is available here.

You have received this email because you have downloaded a recent version of Inspire or Inspire Cast. We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for your patience.


Warm regards,

The Altair Inspire Support Team
