Connection between shell components
From the image it looks like the yellow component has elements of a larger size than the blue and pink ones.
There also appear green connectors in the blue component.Do you just need a mesh transition from the yellow to the blue component? why are the element sizes so different between the components?
Are you using connectors? if so which type and what is the purpose of these connections?0 -
he mesh size of the yellow one is bigger indeed because this component is quite huge.
it's true they are connectors but i was just trying to understad that function. so this is just to be ignored.I Need to build model with Areas of different properties. so I created 3 surfaces. Each as an own component.
After started a dynamic Simulation but there is no interaction between those components.0 -
I quick edit--> toggle edges function to create connected lines between concerning components.
then I wanted to check the equvalence between the meshes. surprisingly there were simulation is running. let you know if it worked...
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it worked.
just adding shared edges solved the Problem.
thank you!