optimise a solid block for forces acting vertically

I am trying to optimise a solid block for forces acting vertically on the surface and two of the sides fixed. I ran a similar analysis on abacus, and got the expected result. In Hyperworks am getting a weird analysis resulting in weird topology optimal structure. I want to perform a topology optimisation on the block and find the optimal final structure. I am using HW 14 edition for my analysis. I need someone with expertise to check the loading, BC and let me know the mistake.
Attached is the HyperWorks file. and the force loadings
Hi Dinesh,
Can you share the model file?
You shared .mvw file but it is no use without model file.
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Try to move the elements where the boundary conditions and loads are applied to a different collector and make them as non-design space.
With all elements in design space may not give you a good result.