Composite Phase2 Size Optimization Problem
Altair Employee
: i have the following problem during the second phase of the composite optimization.
Done work for Phase2:
-import the model_sizing.XX.fem of the phase1 (free size)
-editing the autoplies in the 'optimization / size' panel: set a upper design bound of each ply with a feasible value
-set TMANUF for all plies
-change control card from FSTOSZ to SZTOSH
-submit the job
*** ERROR 14: Missing DESVAR #370086 referenced by DLINK # -370086,
(existing DESVAR with this ID is of incorrect type).
Did I miss something?
In the model there are 45 and 0 plies. and you have given a balance constraint between 45 and -45. this is creating the issue. after removing the BALANCE constraint in DSIZE card, the model runs fine.