Licence a Machine without user dependancy

Breitenfellner Altair Community Member
edited May 2024 in Community Q&A


How can I license a device for Altair Inspire? 
So far, my approach has been to enter the created authentication token into the licensing tool. Afterwards, I can use the product, but if I log in with another Windows user, I suddenly have no access to the software. I get the message saying I don't own a license. 

Under authorized machines, while the hostname of the activated machine does appear online, the logged-in username with which I used the authorization token appears under the username. To the best of my understanding, *(ANY) should be listed here instead, allowing multiple users to access the software.

I would appreciate any help!

Best regards, 


  • Matthieu Pupat
    Matthieu Pupat
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2024


    Please see this article for machine-wide authorization .


  • Breitenfellner
    Breitenfellner Altair Community Member
    edited May 2024

    Hello Matthieu,

    thank you very much for your response!

    I believe I've managed to find the right information I needed. However, another problem has arisen. When I activate the machine via the command line ".\almutil -a1auth -code XXXXX -system", I get the message "Successfully authorized this machine with the Managed Licensing system".

    It now shows up as "*(ANY)" on the licensing platform, which is exactly what I wanted.

    But, when I start the software, I encounter the following message:

    "Machine activation token was rejected - Invalid license"

    Why is this happening? Shouldn't it work right away now?

    Thanks in advance & kind regards,


  • Matthieu Pupat
    Matthieu Pupat
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2024

    Hello Matthieu,

    thank you very much for your response!

    I believe I've managed to find the right information I needed. However, another problem has arisen. When I activate the machine via the command line ".\almutil -a1auth -code XXXXX -system", I get the message "Successfully authorized this machine with the Managed Licensing system".

    It now shows up as "*(ANY)" on the licensing platform, which is exactly what I wanted.

    But, when I start the software, I encounter the following message:

    "Machine activation token was rejected - Invalid license"

    Why is this happening? Shouldn't it work right away now?

    Thanks in advance & kind regards,


    Did you by chance delete your user token from Altair One?

  • Breitenfellner
    Breitenfellner Altair Community Member
    edited May 2024

    Did you by chance delete your user token from Altair One?

    The solution was as follows:

    I had to delete the old authorization tokens from the path "C:\Users\username\AppData\Local.altair_licensing\user folder". "Old" tokens are stored on this device, which leads to an error where, upon launching the software, these old tokens are utilized.