DRESP3 - how to get the center of mesh element and how to use DESVAR ?

Anatole Morcos
Anatole Morcos Altair Community Member
edited November 2021 in Community Q&A

Hello everyone,

I have a project where i want to create a constraint with DRESP3 and a oml function.

In a topology optimisation, I want to sum up all the fictional densities (DESVAR) of elements from a neighbourhood. This neighbourhood is described by a sphere with the center of one mesh element for its center and a certain distance for its radius.

My question: Is there a way to have the center of each mesh element of my design (i have 5000 elements) and use it in DRESP3.

Other question: Do you have an example of topology optimisation using DRESP3 with DESVAR in it. Or do you have an example of a DESVAR file in a topology optimisation problem?


Thank you for your time!


Best regards


Anatole Morcos



  • Ben Buchanan
    Ben Buchanan
    Altair Employee
    edited November 2021

    Not sure I follow what you are trying to do.  Since a topology DESVAR has a different value for every element you would need to give each element a different property to get a distinct value for your DESVAR.


    If you have a separate property for each element you could use the center of gravity (cog) DRESPONSE to get the center of the element.

    As far as picking elements by sphere during the optimization I don't think that is possible.

    Here is one simple tutorial with a DRESP3.

    OS-T: 4095 Size Optimization using External Responses (DRESP3)