PolyNurbs Optimisation Results in Model Browser

Otter Quarks
Otter Quarks Altair Community Member
edited 2023 08 in Community Q&A

After running a PolyNurbs optimisation, the option to select the alternative design in the model browser appears. When inspecting the optimized component in the analysis window, it is noticeably different, and thicker in quite a few places. Outside of the analysis window however, the optimized variation appears exactly the same as the non optimized variation, meaning that I can only access the optimized version while in the analysis window, and cannot for example evaluate the mass of the optimized variation, modify it, or export it.

See below the optimized version within the analyze window, and outside the analyze window, despite the same version being selected in the model browser:



Is there any way to access the optimized state outside of the analysis window?


  • MilanRaval
    Altair Employee
    edited 2023 08

    Hello Otter,

    Can you create a service now ticket and share this model with us to understand the issue?