Efficient Workflow for Defining Markers?

Curtis Kusel
Curtis Kusel Altair Community Member
edited June 2021 in Community Q&A

I'm just getting started with Motionview/solve and trying to determine the best approach for setting up markers. For points I already figured out how to export a IGES from catia and pull the point data into an importable CSV but I'm getting a bit frustrated when it comes to defining markers. Other than having to determine in CAD the vector relative to the global coordinate system, is there an easier way to create markers to apply loads? I do not seem able to import anything other than solids directly from CAD or hypermesh and all my torque loads are applied to cylindrical bodies with only edges selectable in the definition of vectors that I could then use to create markers, so I'm out of luck using CAD directly even with the option turned on. Am I missing some obvious simple workflow for creating markers from CAD that is not present in the tutorials?


  • Praful
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2021

    Hello Curtis

    Are you looking to select a vector along the axis of a cylinder ? What is the CAD format are you using in MotionView ? Catia or IGS ?

    With the "Allow CAD feature recognition" ON, you should be able to pick the axis of a cylinderical CAD object as a vector, when you hover the mouse over the cylidrical surface. Are you not able to do that ?


    Would you be able to share your model ?




  • Curtis Kusel
    Curtis Kusel Altair Community Member
    edited June 2021

    I do not have an option to select a vector, only DxDyDz (similar issue in defining vectors, only option is to use an edge from geometry and will not allow selection of cylindrical faces/edges). How do I get the option to select a vector? See below:

  • Praful
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2021

    I do not have an option to select a vector, only DxDyDz (similar issue in defining vectors, only option is to use an edge from geometry and will not allow selection of cylindrical faces/edges). How do I get the option to select a vector? See below:

    You can use the drop down next to DxDyDz to change the selection to Vector or Point




  • Curtis Kusel
    Curtis Kusel Altair Community Member
    edited June 2021

    Ah, how did I miss that? XD The cylinder is still not selectable. It's a solid with complex internal features but a simple exterior cylindrical surface. Guessing it's not being recognized as a cylinder then. Using points (the other option in that arrow menu) should work though. Thanks for your help!