Meshing error

Johan Kohler
Altair Community Member
I am a new user of newFASANT and when trying to mesh the project I get the following error (same error every time I try to mesh; even for one of the simple example cases in the users guide):
Fatal error in MPI_Allreduce: Invalid MPI_Op, error stack:
MPI_Allreduce(1398).....: MPI_Allreduce(sbuf=0000000142318BC0, rbuf=0000000142318E10, count=1, dtype=0x4c000831, MPI_SUM, comm=0x84000001) failed
MPIR_SUM_check_dtype(97): MPI_Op MPI_SUM operation not defined for this datatype
Meshing aborted due to invalid state.
Could anyone explain what the error is and how to resolve it?
Which version of newFASANT are you using? If you run into the similar meshing error with version-2022, feel free to share the model and I can look into it to identify the issue.