How to represent the FE model as plotel elements in model analysis and what are the control cards need to define?

Prasanth periyasamy
Prasanth periyasamy Altair Community Member
edited October 2023 in Community Q&A

I am trying to represent the FE model as plotel elements to reduce the simulation time and get the same result as per original FE model in modal analysis. Can anyone help with step by step procedure?

Thanks in advance...


  • Adriano A. Koga
    Adriano A. Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited October 2023

    you usually use the PLOTEL for creating superelments, as shown in this knowledge base:


    You could create them as 1D elements in HyperMesh, using functions such as 'edges' or 'features', that automatically create plotel elements around some elements.

    Additionally there are the shell plotel elements as well.


    But don't expect the use of plotel to reduce the computation time, as it only creates a visual representation by adding these elements. The matrix size will still be based on the structural elements, thus the memory requirement and computational cost will be the same.

    LAter on, if you use SuperElements, now you would actually have a reduction in time.