License Setup

WAQAS Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A



I have successfully downloaded the Altair Embed basic 2019.2, but when i try to do license setup by entering the email address and password which i used for registration. it gives me below error.


Unable to retrieve authentication code from portal due to network error

SOAP 1. 1 fault SOAP-ENV:Client [no subcode]

'Error 405: HTTP method not allowed'

Detail: [no detail]


I have no issue with my internet i need help to Authorize/Activate the license.


  • FaroukM
    FaroukM Altair Community Member
    edited July 2020

    Try to contact your local support service. They will help you with the setup.

  • Koushik Chandrashekhar_21806
    edited August 2020



    I hope the following post about the activation of Embed license helps.