Excessive Amount of Plies After Discrete Optimisation

Dear Madam/Sir,
I am trying to optimise a composite architecture of a Formula Student monocoque.
I started with 56 plies, which after the size optimisation became 224 plies. Now, that I am after the discrete optimisation, I imported the shufflingXX.fem file (for the last iteration) and the number of plies in the model was doubled. I import other solver decks, from different iterations, such as shuffling01.fem and now my model has 651 plies.
The first set of plies have the original 'strange' thicknesses of 0.0274022 mm for example, but when you press 'show' on these plies you cannot see them. The other 2 sets of plies have thicknesses of 0.1 and 1.0 for the carbon and core respectively as it should, but I think that each set belongs to different iteration, and I am not sure how to continue now.
How can I check which plies belong to each iteration and should I delete all the others plies manually?
Thank you for your time.
Kind regards,
Dear Madam/Sir,
I tried the run an analysis and it seems like the analysis is working fine, and I got reasonable results.
When I switch from analysis to optimisation, for the final step, the shuffling step, I get an error:
*** ERROR # 578 ***
Composite shuffling optimization cannot be performed simultaneously
with other optimization types.
I did change the Output cards and I applied shuffling constraints, just like in the skateboard and monocoque tutorials.
Can someone please help me with this 578 error? I cannot find any information about this.
Thank you for your time.
Kind regards,