Element Type preferred for Vibration and crash Analysis

VIGNESH_V_25 Altair Community Member
edited January 2022 in Community Q&A

Which type of element is preferred for meshing in case of Vibration as well as Crash analysis ?

Currently i am using tria element for vibration and quad element for crash analysis.

Could anyone give me an exact technical answer for use of this elements in respective analysis, Why not we are using Quad or mixed type for Vibration.



  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2022

    generally speaking quad mesh is always prefered.

    But it is hard to define the "right mesh" into a single type.

    Crash analysis is higlhy influentiated by the minimum element sizes. So you can have a perfect mesh, but if the element size is too small, your time step will be very small and your analysis will take longer to run.

    For vibration/NVH problems the element size is also important, depending on what frequencies you're looking for.

    The higher the frequencies, the higher your refinent should be to capture these. (wavelength).

    You should work with mesh convergence to check if your mesh is good enough, but not too refined so that your runtime is too long.

    In general there is no direct answer to this, but i would try to get good quads as much as possible. I'd say that it is much more important mesh size and its quality. If you have bad elements, your results will be influenced. A really abd quad element will be worse than a good tria mesh.


    You can find some interesting practical tips into Altair e-books found below, for general analysis and for explicit analysis too.




  • VIGNESH_V_25
    VIGNESH_V_25 Altair Community Member
    edited January 2022

    generally speaking quad mesh is always prefered.

    But it is hard to define the "right mesh" into a single type.

    Crash analysis is higlhy influentiated by the minimum element sizes. So you can have a perfect mesh, but if the element size is too small, your time step will be very small and your analysis will take longer to run.

    For vibration/NVH problems the element size is also important, depending on what frequencies you're looking for.

    The higher the frequencies, the higher your refinent should be to capture these. (wavelength).

    You should work with mesh convergence to check if your mesh is good enough, but not too refined so that your runtime is too long.

    In general there is no direct answer to this, but i would try to get good quads as much as possible. I'd say that it is much more important mesh size and its quality. If you have bad elements, your results will be influenced. A really abd quad element will be worse than a good tria mesh.


    You can find some interesting practical tips into Altair e-books found below, for general analysis and for explicit analysis too.




    Thank You sir, the information and the material you shared was really helpful.