tetrahedral element for vibration analysis over Hexahedral

Vignesh V_22481
Vignesh V_22481 Altair Community Member
edited January 2022 in Community Q&A

which 3d elements are preferred for Vibration analysis and Why?

tetrahedral or Hexahedral, Currently I am using Tetrahedral for Vibration, can anyone give me the exact reason for using tetra, and why no we are using Hexa. 


  • Adriano A. Koga
    Adriano A. Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2022

    this works the same way as the other question that you asked for quads x trias.

    Tetras as much easier to create but it will result in a bigger model, with higher node count in general.

    Hexa meshes are much "lighter" but also harder to build. So it is a trade-off.

    For stresses, you should give preference for hexas (nice ones) or 2nd order tetras.

    But it depends on your hardware available, your geometry.

    Using the right element can help you have better results, reduce runtime, but it might need an extra effort for building your model.