LAUNCHXL F28379D + BOOSTXL-DRV8305EVM + pmsm + ADC + psim + ccs

I use psim to paint motor driver control circuit, and code generation to code, flash it to f28379d by ccs. my command is vd = 0, vq = 0.5v, rad = triangular wave, when i open power and flash code, i can check wave in psim dsp oscilloscope, i get right feedback of counts and wm, but my feedback of isense ia ib ic always are straight lines, in my simulion, they should be sin waves, i cant find my error, is the error in hardware or circuit program?
Hi, Shang Hong,
What is the sampling frequency in the ZOH at the input of SCI Output block?
Do you have a GPIO to observe the interrupt timing?
Did you observe the waveforms using "psim dsp oscilloscope" during simulation or during the code running on target?
Please attach your PSIM schematic.
If you do not wish to publish your schematic, please create a support case and send your schematic to the technical support team: