I need to write my constraint equation inside the Optistruct using DRESP3 .Is there any possibilities to write using Hypermath and integrate with Optistruct
Please refer below optimization tutorial.
OS-4095: Size Optimization using External Responses (DRESP3) through HyperMath
PS: I am moving this topic to OptiStruct forum.
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Thanks for your answers.To be specific i want to use my constraint formulations for topology optimization .Is there any tutorials for that. Thanks in advance.
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Hi Gokul,
There is no specific tutorial as such, but you can use the same methodology to use DRESP3 for constrain formulation.
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Ok.Whether Optistruct can solve the multiobjective optimization problem (compliance+stress ) for topology optimization problem.
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Hi Gokul,
You can do it with HyperStudy.