how to avoid micro poropsity?

asif iqbal
asif iqbal Altair Community Member
edited March 2024 in Community Q&A

how to avoid micro poropsity? please check altair cast file ..i have done number of simulation with different setting but cant succeed. looking some advise 






  • Fernanda Fernandes
    Fernanda Fernandes
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2024

    Hello Asif,

    Microporosity is related to the properties of the alloy, so I suggest you control the solidification time and/or temperature. Another thing you can do is change the geometry of the part, avoiding sharp corners and thin sections.

    Inspire Cast uses Niyama to predict microporosity, so you can also use it to adjust the cooling rate of your model.

    Niyama: It is defined as the local thermal gradient divided by the square root of the local cooling rate. Low temperature gradients cause the material to have less pressure to fill the interdendritic spaces and a high cooling rate, thus it solidifies faster and the material has less time to fill the interdentric spaces. The lower the value, the higher the probability of shrinkage.

    Find out more about result types here:

    For more help I suggest you create a Service Now ticket and attach your model there, and one of our experts will be able to help you.