How to assign 1 property per 1 element in Hypermesh?
Hello all.
I have a model with properties assigned to groups of elements: 1 property per several elements.
Is it possible to split these properties as follows:
1 element - 1 property.
Element ID = property ID.
I suppose it can be done using some scripts.
Or even the way using Excel import \ export will be helpful.
How many elements do you have in your model?
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it would be possible to create a script, for that, but maybe excel or some text editor would be enough depending on what you already have.
I'm attaching a similar script, not completed, that does something similar to your request, if I remeber correclty..
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Try this code:
foreach eid $elemList { #creat property with pid=eid *setvalue elems id=$eid propertyid=$pid }
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Altair Forum User said:
How many elements do you have in your model?
~8000 elements and ~100 properties
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How to assign 100 prop to 8000 elems? Based on some criteria ?
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Altair Forum User said:
Thank you.
Now I can split all properties in a way that each element has its own property.
So I have like 10000 properties. This is what I need.
But I still don't know how to assign to each property ID of an element inside this property.
Now I have Prop ID = 1 with Element ID = 2000 in it.
My goal to have Prop ID = 2000 with element ID = 2000.
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If you want to assign property ID=2000 to element ID=2000 AND if all properties exist already, use my following code:
*createmarkpanel elements 1 'Select elements' set elemList [hm_getmark elements 1] foreach eid $elemList { *createmark props 1 $eid set propList [hm_getmark props 1] if { [llength $propList] == 1 } { *setvalue elems id=$eid propertyid=$eid } else { puts 'Prop ID=$eid does not exist!' } }
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It's almost what I need, but I have 2000 elements in ID range 10000 - 12000 (example) AND 2000 properties with ID range 1 - 1999.
Element #10000 has property with ID = 23.
Goal is to renumber current element property with ID of the element.
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You can use 'Tool' => Renumber => Property,
but this automatical method is dangereous and you can get wrong results with element.
What's the difference between Prop 1 & Prop 2, shell thickness? Your elements are shell type?
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I have 3 elm types.
Crod/Cbar and Cshell.
I did try Renumber tool, but in my case it's too time consuming to renumber properties 1 by 1.
As I can see the process:
1) choose element
2) check the property assigned to this element
3) now we have element ID and property ID.
4) set property ID = element ID - where I stuck.
But, as I understand there are 2 ID types in HM: solver ID and HM internal ID.
I tried *renumbersolverid properties 1 $elem_id 1 0 0 0 0 0 as it in command.tcl, but it doesn't work properly.
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It's not a good idea to work on numbering (ID) of element/prop.
You have to found another method: element type, thickness, location,... maybe in combining with element sets,...etc.
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In nastran, PID is equal EID by default if you don't assign property to element
Don't use *commands in long 'for' loops, use 'puts' to write property cards to a file then import that file, it just takes a few seconds.
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Ok. Thank you for the help.
I did what I want.
My script is attached.
1) choose element
2) store elem ID and prop ID
3) create new property with PID = EID and Pname = EID
4) update new property with stored data from old prop
5) assign new property to element
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You can do this using the Aerospace Tool. First you need to activate the tool by going to Preferences-User Profiles, on the box, select Aerospace Tool, then OK. The tool will now appear on the top bar.
Next select Aerospace-Spatial ID manager-Property by Element ID
Select the elements or all elements and proceed. A bit late but hope it 's useful