How to use "Custom" Mesh size in Lua with CADFEKO
I've been having a difficulty with meshing cubes, when I run the command in lua script:
project.Mesher.Settings.MeshSizeOption = cf.Enums.MeshSizeOptionEnum.Fine
The mesh that is generated doesn't have enough triangles, I tried to fix this by writing:
project.Mesher.Settings.MeshSizeOption = cf.Enums.MeshSizeOptionEnum.Custom
project.Mesher.Settings.TriangleEdgeLength = 0.2
but I get an error: 'Empty expression is not allowed for Edge size.
Error 16628: Error in expression at position 0 for expression: Edge size = '
How can I fix this error and set the triangle edge length to 0.2 using Lua?
Have you tried to script record setting a custom mesh size and then using script play back?
In Feko 2020 if I do this I get:
-- Updating mesh parameters
MeshSettings = project.Mesher.Settings
properties = MeshSettings:GetProperties()
properties.MeshSizeOption = cf.Enums.MeshSizeOptionEnum.Custom
properties.TriangleEdgeLength = '0.1'
MeshSettings:SetProperties(properties)-- Mesh the model
project.Mesher:Mesh()0 -
Thank you so much It worked!