about curve card

haveto Altair Community Member
edited June 26 in Community Q&A


I want to input material properties in curve form.

Could you tell me how to input material properties as curves


  • Sriramanuj_16
    Altair Employee
    edited June 26

    Hi Haveto,

    Could you please elaborate on the material properties you have available?

    Below are a couple of commonly used material cards and their applications:

    MAT1: Defines the material properties for linear, temperature-independent, and isotropic materials.
    MATS1: Specifies stress-dependent material properties for use in applications involving nonlinear materials. This card can be used to define elastoplastic or nonlinear elastic materials.
    MATT1: Specifies temperature-dependent material properties on MAT1 entry fields via TABLEMi or TABLEG entry.
    MATHE: Defines material properties for nonlinear hyperelastic materials.

    Sriramanuj Prabhu