My altair account licence is not working

Soo Hyung Lee
Soo Hyung Lee Altair Community Member
edited June 2024 in Community Q&A

Licence activation


Our school has given me a local licence on Altair 'Hyperworks CFD' for my desktop computer.

(Hosted Altair Units)

However, the licence is not working, so i'm asking for help.


These are my attempts to activate my school licence.


1. License Setup after installing Hyperworks CFD (Attachment filename '1')

-I've tried to set up my licence by 'manage on Altair One option'.

I've entered by username and password, which is used for my Altair homepage account.


2. Authorized Machines in User Profile menu by 'generating Auth code' (Attachment filename '2')

- I've generated an Auth code and pasted onto my Altair License Utility, then clicked the authorize button.

After, the message 'Successfully authorized this machine with the Hosted HWU system' popped out.


However, when i started my Hyperworks CFD app, it still requested licence authorization. 


Please help me with my problems.


Thank you

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