Curve editing issue Hyperworks 2021
I recently noticed that I can not open and edit curves when I have the GUI open on my secondary screen. I share a screen between my laptop top and PC, switching to the correct port depending on what machine I am working. I could create TableD1 curves, but I could not open and edit them, stopping me from running NLTRANS models. After trying everything and finding nothing online, I disconnected my laptop to run on battery and tried again, it allowed me to open and edit the curve.
I then opened the model on my PC with a dual screen setup and noticed that the curve editor only allows me to open and edit curves when the GUI is located on my main screen (the smaller of the two) which I do not use for larger models as much.
Is this a known issue or could it be something else?
It was very strange that it only allowed to open the curve editor whilst on the main screen.
Thank you,
Casper Kruger
I have just ended up using my larger external monitor as my main monitor and haven't had any issues.