What is the specified pressure of a simple boundary condition with a constant-flow inlet velocity?

The pressure solution at the inlet would be the result of the calculation - not specified as a boundary condition. We specify a flow BC (velocity, flow rate, etc) or a pressure BC - but not both. The pressure is typically specified at the outflow boundary - and there the velocity/flow-rate would be the unknown being solved.
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Thanks for the information, I would like to try specifying both velocity and pressure at the inlet, with a 0-pres. gradient at the outlet. This way I would hope to remove outlet boundary condition effects on the solution.
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Peter Parrish_22382 said:
Thanks for the information, I would like to try specifying both velocity and pressure at the inlet, with a 0-pres. gradient at the outlet. This way I would hope to remove outlet boundary condition effects on the solution.
This would overspecify the conditions at the inlet - likely leading to poor convergence (if at all) and spurious results. The typical outflow boundary condition with a specified pressure applies that pressure as an 'Element Boundary Condition' so the solver attempts to reach that in averaged sense, not applying that pressure at every node. It's a more natural/conservative boundary condition, as the flow distribution is resolved.
What is your desired simulation? Can you add some explanation and images?
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Thanks, I did not realize that outflow is treated like a natural boundary condition.
I am trying to simulate flow past a square cylinder. Here is a link to the Article that I've been following,
where d = 0.0127m, Uinf = 15 m/s
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Peter Parrish_22382 said:
Thanks, I did not realize that outflow is treated like a natural boundary condition.
I am trying to simulate flow past a square cylinder. Here is a link to the Article that I've been following,
where d = 0.0127m, Uinf = 15 m/s
I think we already accomplished the task for the inlet velocity profile.
You'll likely need a very (or very, very, very) refined mesh for LES simulations. Have you looked at mesh sensitivity, time increment/step sensitivity, inlet turbulence sensitivity, etc?0 -
acupro_21778 said:
I think we already accomplished the task for the inlet velocity profile.
You'll likely need a very (or very, very, very) refined mesh for LES simulations. Have you looked at mesh sensitivity, time increment/step sensitivity, inlet turbulence sensitivity, etc?I have tried running a simulation with about 15 million volumetric elements (the same as what was applied in the paper), with a refinement so that the surface Y+ at any given time is less than 10. My time stepping is done to achieve a CFL of less than 10, as well as adding second order time integration to help allow a higher CFL.