How to stop the .tcl script in HyperView while running?
one colleague of mine proposed me the following procedure couple of weeks ago:
proc stopScript {message} {
# Create and arrange the dialog contents.
toplevel .msg
wm geometry .msg 300x150
label .msg.l -text $message
button .msg.ok -text Proceed -default active -command {destroy .msg}
pack .msg.ok -side bottom -fill x
pack .msg.l -expand 1 -fill both
puts "start doing your thing"
stopScript "Do task A ...";tkwait window .msg
puts "Task A done ......."
stopScript "Do task B ....";tkwait window .msg
puts "Task B done ......."
stopScript "Do task C ....";tkwait window .msg
puts "Task C done ......."
Can you please test it?Best Regards,
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Michael Herve_21439 said:
one colleague of mine proposed me the following procedure couple of weeks ago:
proc stopScript {message} {
# Create and arrange the dialog contents.
toplevel .msg
wm geometry .msg 300x150
label .msg.l -text $message
button .msg.ok -text Proceed -default active -command {destroy .msg}
pack .msg.ok -side bottom -fill x
pack .msg.l -expand 1 -fill both
puts "start doing your thing"
stopScript "Do task A ...";tkwait window .msg
puts "Task A done ......."
stopScript "Do task B ....";tkwait window .msg
puts "Task B done ......."
stopScript "Do task C ....";tkwait window .msg
puts "Task C done ......."
Can you please test it?Best Regards,
Hello Michael,
Thank you for your valuable inputs. We will update you once we test this case and share our feedback on this.
Thank you,
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Thirukumaran Subbian said:
Hello Michael,
Thank you for your valuable inputs. We will update you once we test this case and share our feedback on this.
Thank you,
Hi Thirukumaran,
If you want to make it more automatic, you can use the *view command to adjust the position as needed and then take a screen capture, for example, without stopping the script.
Here is the command information in case you need it:
I hope this helps you!
Flauzino, C.