Difference in stress and strain location

In my one of the linear static analysis, Principal/Von-mises stress is coming at different location then Principal/Von-mises strain location. Why this type of difference is coming?
Is some different calculation used for calculating stress and strain?
Modeling information: 2nd order shell elements(mixed) are nodal connected with tetra element.
This can be possible if your model has a combination of different materials,
It can also be possible because of material softnening.
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Thank you for update.
I think you misunderstood my question.
My model is having single material.
Question is if at any point maximum strain is coming then why maximum stress is not showing at same location?
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In general, The strain is a failure but not stress...
it is not necessary that the maximum stress location is a measure of failure..and thus both do not go hand in hand
In Linear static, the stress and strain should come more or less at the same location. In your case, the discrepancy could be because of the transition from shell to solid.
How the shells and solid elements are connected?
Can you run the same in OptiStruct and check the results?
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Thank you for update
You are right strain is a failure but not stress. But stresses are derived from strain results so should come at same place
Discrepancy could be because of the transition from shell to solid
shells and solid elements are nodal connected(having a overlap of nodal connection up to 5mm length)-refer attached
I will run in optistruct and will update you.