OSSmooth fails to regenerate good quality mesh for reanalysis

AmirMar Altair Community Member
edited April 2021 in Community Q&A

Dear all,

I try to use OSSmooth in order to create a verification FEA model for reanalysis. However, I wasn't able to execute the application such that the result contains good quality elements. In some cases I received errors in OS solver after I disabled element check.

Is there anything I can do in order to improve the smoothing for FEA mesh?

My model contains just tetra elements for solid modeling of simple homogenous material, nothing too copmlicated.

Thank you,



  • Viraj_Kulkarni
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2021

    When using OSSmooth, you can also include remeshing option.



    Try finer size if elems. Do couple of tests to see what works.

    You can also try connect detect or draw recovery, for better outputs.

    In geometry for OSSmooth you have some more options in parameters, but you loose loads. In your case try to tweak the parameters for reanalysis. That should mostly work.