Non Design and Design space without contact
I am currently working on a model that I run in SIMLAB as an optimization. The reason i didn't do it directly on inspire is because of the bolt connection and pretension i need to apply at those bolts, which i think is not possible to do in Inspire. So i heard about the new polinurbs FIT feature, that also works with an imported mesh. But when i import the isosurface .stl file from simlab optimization and start to smooth and fit the organic topology design, i lost the connection between my design and not design space. From the tutorials, which are all in inspire optimizations, this does not seem to happen, even if you apply this polinurbs functions. Is there anyway for me to smooth and fit the topology design with polinurbs without loosing the connection between the design or non-design space? Is it only possible if i setup the optimization within Inspire?
You can define bolt connection and pretension directly in Inspire.Pretension can be enabled on a fastener or multiple fasteners by selecting them, enabling pretension in the Property Editor, and entering a pretension force. This pretension is then included as a load in all load cases.
Which version of Inspire you are using?