Why is my Radioss calculation stuck on one frame increment for a very long time?

Kaushely EPASINGHE Altair Community Member
edited March 2021 in Community Q&A


I have been trying to run a stamping simulation for a couple of days but it seems the calculation doesnt want to go further than frame 16. I have verified the tools and blank, the elements, the gap between the tool and blank as well as the friction and speed and I cant figure out the reason as to why. Please see the images below for reference. 


Help is kindly appreciated




  • Adriano Koga_20259
    Adriano Koga_20259 New Altair Community Member
    edited March 2021

    Are you using any adaptative mesh? This could decrease elemen size, thus timestep.

    Can you share also the .out files? Is there anything unusual going on in the 0001.out file?

    You could edit the /PRINT options to check the timestep and energies with a higher output frequency. (number of cycles)

  • Kaushely EPASINGHE
    Kaushely EPASINGHE Altair Community Member
    edited March 2021

    Are you using any adaptative mesh? This could decrease elemen size, thus timestep.

    Can you share also the .out files? Is there anything unusual going on in the 0001.out file?

    You could edit the /PRINT options to check the timestep and energies with a higher output frequency. (number of cycles)

    Hello Adriano,


    For the tools I used R mesh and for the blank, I used 2D Automesh. I have attached the 0001.out file here. I had to force stop the calculation as it took a very long time. 


    Thank you in advance

  • Kaushely EPASINGHE
    Kaushely EPASINGHE Altair Community Member
    edited March 2021

    Are you using any adaptative mesh? This could decrease elemen size, thus timestep.

    Can you share also the .out files? Is there anything unusual going on in the 0001.out file?

    You could edit the /PRINT options to check the timestep and energies with a higher output frequency. (number of cycles)

    Problem solved, I actually defined the wrong thickness value. I was using the midsurface of the blank, and instead of defining the value between the tool and the blank, I entered the complete thickness of the blank. 

    Thank you either ways :)