Can EDEM domain be different than CFD field for a fixed flow field?
Hi everyone,
I am exporting a fixed flow field as a CGNS file from Fluent to be used in EDEM. I wonder if the domain in EDEM can be different from the exported flow field domain? My exported flow domain is.
and EDEM simulation domain is
Thank you!
Hi Mahdi,
That is OK we can have different sized domains. EDEM uses an inversed distance weighting system to check the velocity vectors closest to the particle in order to find the appropriate velocity to apply.
Where you have the CFD domain larger this shouldn't cause a problem however it does use up more memory to store the field, so ideally you could cut this down. If the field is smaller it is often best to consider a custom model so that the particles don't search for the closest vector when they are outside the domain.