xline Delete Issue
Hi everyone,
I face a problem, when I delete xline in figure. I want to create new xline when push the button, then remove the old xline. I use GUI button for this. When I push the button, it is work for two steps. However, when I push it third time, it is not remove the xline. Then, it works up to two steps. After that I face this problem again. Only one curve should remain in the figure. However, It holds ('Curve 2, Curve 4, Curve 5, Curve 7, Curve 9......') in the figure. If I write delete and create command in OML Command Window, I don't face any problem. I face a problem, when I call this command with function. Is this a bug about Compose ?
I am sharing this code in the below.
global second_line;
global sc_Value;
function button_callback(handle,callstate)
global second_line;
global sc_Value;
Hi Batuhan,
Can you share the full GUI so I can test a possible solution on my side?
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Hi Rafael Sánchez,
I am sorry for the late reply. I can't share the full GUI model. However, I am sharing an example about it. You can examine it below.
global first line
Dialog = figure ('units', 'pixels', 'position', [0 0 410 310]...
,'numbertitle','off', 'name','Dialog');
undock (Dialog);
uiPushButton = uicontrol ('parent', Dialog, 'style', 'pushbutton'...
,'callback', 'uiPushButton_callback', 'interruptible','off'...
,'enable', 'on'...
,'units', 'normalized', 'position',[0.30 0.20 0.25 0.10]...
,'fontname', 'MS Shell Dlg', 'fontangle','regular', 'fontweight', 'normal', 'fontsize',8.25 ...
,'backgroundcolor', [246 246 246] ...
, 'tag','','tooltipstring','','userdata',[],'visible','on');
figure 2
x = [0 1 2 3 4 5]
y = [5 2 8 4 1 12]
function uiPushButton_callback(handle,callstate)
global first_line
first_line = xline(rand,'color','k');
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Batuhan Coskun said:
Hi Rafael Sánchez,
I am sorry for the late reply. I can't share the full GUI model. However, I am sharing an example about it. You can examine it below.
global first line
Dialog = figure ('units', 'pixels', 'position', [0 0 410 310]...
,'numbertitle','off', 'name','Dialog');
undock (Dialog);
uiPushButton = uicontrol ('parent', Dialog, 'style', 'pushbutton'...
,'callback', 'uiPushButton_callback', 'interruptible','off'...
,'enable', 'on'...
,'units', 'normalized', 'position',[0.30 0.20 0.25 0.10]...
,'fontname', 'MS Shell Dlg', 'fontangle','regular', 'fontweight', 'normal', 'fontsize',8.25 ...
,'backgroundcolor', [246 246 246] ...
, 'tag','','tooltipstring','','userdata',[],'visible','on');
figure 2
x = [0 1 2 3 4 5]
y = [5 2 8 4 1 12]
function uiPushButton_callback(handle,callstate)
global first_line
first_line = xline(rand,'color','k');
Hi Batuhan. Instead of trying to delete the line, I would toggle its visibility off. You can try something like this:
close all, clear, clc
Dialog = figure('units', 'pixels', 'position', [0 0 410 310]...
,'numbertitle','off', 'name','Dialog');undock(Dialog);
uiPushButton = uicontrol('parent', Dialog, 'style', 'pushbutton'...
,'callback', 'uiPushButton_callback', 'interruptible','off'...
,'enable', 'on'...
,'units', 'normalized', 'position',[0.30 0.20 0.25 0.10]...
,'fontname', 'MS Shell Dlg', 'fontangle','regular', 'fontweight', 'normal', 'fontsize',8.25 ...
,'backgroundcolor', [246 246 246] ...
, 'tag','','tooltipstring','','userdata',[],'visible','on');% Create new figure and axes
fig = figure(2);
ax = axes(fig, 'tag', 'Axes');% Mock data for figure
x = [0 1 2 3 4 5];
y = [5 2 8 4 1 12];% Plot mock data on axes
h = plot(ax, x,y);function uiPushButton_callback(handle,callstate)
% Get axes handle within this function
ax = findobj('tag', 'Axes');
% Get handles of lines currently present
presentLines = get(ax, 'children');
% Disable most recently-added line if there's more than 1
if numel(presentLines) > 1
lastLine = get(ax, 'children')(1);
set(lastLine, 'visible', 'off');
% Create new line
newLine = xline(ax, rand, 'color', 'k');
endI'm attaching the script as well.