How to apply radial displacement to a cylinder?

Sajjad Altair Community Member
edited April 2021 in Community Q&A

I want to simulate the expansion of a cylinder, modeled by shell elements, in a hole. The expansion is in the radial direction and has a specific value. Already, a contact at the interface of two components is defined and a cylindrical coordinate system for the cylinder is created. I was wondering how to impose displacement in the radial direction to the lateral surface of the cylinder so as to expand it and squeeze it into the hole?



  • Rogerio Nakano_21179
    Rogerio Nakano_21179 New Altair Community Member
    edited April 2021



    Considering you are using OptiStruct as Solver.

    And you have the cylindrical coordinate system z-axis aligned with the cylinder axis.

    You need to assign the nodes reference to this local coordinate system.



    with that SPC X-direction will be the radial. So that ,e.g., applying 0.01mm in X will be understood as 0.01 in radial direction.


    I hope this is helpful.


  • paulel_22250
    paulel_22250 New Altair Community Member
    edited April 2021

    1) Create a cylindrical coordinate system with the z-axis along the cylinder axis


    2) Assign all of the nodes in the cylinder to the cylindrical coordinate system for Analysis ("set displacement"). 


    When you review the system, all of the cylinder nodes should be marked "A"


    3) Apply an SPC constraint to each node on the cylinder by assigning assigning a positive, non-zero value in the x dof (since the nodes are assigned to the cylindrical coordinate system, their x dof is in the radial direction.)



  • Sajjad
    Sajjad Altair Community Member
    edited April 2021

    1) Create a cylindrical coordinate system with the z-axis along the cylinder axis


    2) Assign all of the nodes in the cylinder to the cylindrical coordinate system for Analysis ("set displacement"). 


    When you review the system, all of the cylinder nodes should be marked "A"


    3) Apply an SPC constraint to each node on the cylinder by assigning assigning a positive, non-zero value in the x dof (since the nodes are assigned to the cylindrical coordinate system, their x dof is in the radial direction.)



    Thank you Paulel for your comprehensive solution. Actually, I use RADIOSS solver because this step of the simulation is phase 1 of the work and the induced stresses will be transferred to the second FEM by .sta files. I don't know whether there is a way to create .sta files in Optistruct or apply radial displacement with quite the same approach in RADIOSS.

    PS: I tried to follow your proposed technique in RADIOSS but it failed to impose displacement in one direction as it was in Optistruct.

  • Sajjad
    Sajjad Altair Community Member
    edited April 2021



    Considering you are using OptiStruct as Solver.

    And you have the cylindrical coordinate system z-axis aligned with the cylinder axis.

    You need to assign the nodes reference to this local coordinate system.



    with that SPC X-direction will be the radial. So that ,e.g., applying 0.01mm in X will be understood as 0.01 in radial direction.


    I hope this is helpful.


    Thank you Rogerio for your comprehensive solution. Actually, I use RADIOSS solver because this step of the simulation is phase 1 of the work and the induced stresses will be transferred to the second FEM by .sta files. I don't know whether there is a way to create .sta files in Optistruct or apply radial displacement with quite the same approach in RADIOSS.

    PS: I tried to follow your proposed technique in RADIOSS but it failed to impose displacement in one direction as it was in Optistruct.