ERROR #187
I am getting this error continuously please help me with this
An SPCD Component or a Nonzero SPC component cannot be constrained by the PS fieldof a GRID or GRDSET data
GRID ID = 20002176
Component = 1
local id= 31
spc set id = 0
Subcase id= 31
Thank you in advance
Hi Lokesh,
Looks like you have constrained a SPCD/SPC which is a non-zero enforced motion.
Please check constraint on GRID ID 20002176
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Is there any difference between SPC and SPCD?
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Yes, SPCD defines enforced displacement
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okay i got it..!
Thank You
One more doubt
what is the difference between the CB and CBN Methods?
if you have any materail regarding CBN method plzz share
Thank you
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I suggest you refer Theory on Superelements which is available on OptiStruct help.
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Yeah Thank you..! its showing only CB Method
I need CBN Method
plz help me with this
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While creating the flexible body its showing like this and not creating the flexible body
'hw solver.msg file could not be opened for writing'
Plz help me with this
thank you
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can you share the .out file, please?