How do i address flux connection to hyperstudy error?
Dear Sir/Ma,
I have been trying to connect flux files with hyper study to optimize torque and power output for design coreless electrical machine, however I encountered errors " as "Failed to read hstp file ( C:\Users\isiaka_22000514\OneDrive - Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS\Documents\approaches\setup_1-def\run__00001\m_1\hst_output.hstp ). The PDD file does not exist ( C:/Users/isiaka_22000514/OneDrive - Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS/Documents/approaches/setup_1-def/run__00001/m_1/hst_output.hstp ).
I have as well attempted running the Python file but to no avail. kindly assist
Hi Isiaka,
We noticed that your working directory is in one drive, could you try first to set up the connection in a local drive? If possible without space in the path?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards.
Cyril Favre