Important: Diff between Rload 1 and Rload 2

Kindly help me in understanding the difference between RLOAD1 and RLOAD2?
I have seen the mathematical formula differs between both
My question is when to use RLOAD1 and when to use RLOAD2?
How it will make a difference in the analysis?
Also kindly share an example by using RLOAD 1 AND RLOAD2
Thanks in advance
RLOAD1 is for real/imaginary numbers and that RLOAD2 is for magnitude/phase numbers.
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Thanks for your reply
I see the formulas are different refer below
I want to know for same load given as RLOAD1 AND RLOAD2 cards how will it affect the output
Kindly provide me with an example analysis using RLOAD1 & RLOAD2
Refer formulas below
Thanks in advance
Sai Vignesh V
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The difference between RLOAD1 and 2 only come into play if you are interested in defining the load as frequency dependent on either magnitude/phase or real/imaginary. If you are not going to mess with the phase of the applied load, then the two can be used interchangeably.