What is the MLAW to use for Gel material?

What is the MLAW to use for Gel material?
This gel material is like a silicon material properties and i only have the data below.
I am using NP GEL , the data sheet only provide Tensile strength, elongation, young's Modulus.
For MLAW70 is required a stress-strain curve. but it's not available. Any suggestion for my material LAW for this case.
Hi Li Zhe,
Could you please tell what is your application of this gel ? it is a bit complicated to advise you without knowing what you want to do afterwards.
Gel can be viscoelstic, so dependent to strain rate effects. This table may lack of data for you to be able to simulate the gel accurately.
Whith this table, the only thing you cound setup is a Johson-Cook material law, so a very simplified setup I think. But it can be a start.