How to download latest version of ultraFluidX
We are currently using ultraFluidX under an academic license (i.e., shared across a university). How can we download the latest executable for ultraFluidX? In the past, we could download up-to-date executables from the Altair Marketplace, but we no longer see any download links. The only option we see now is to "Try Now" for $0.00, but clicking the link gives us the error that "You have reached your trial limits." To be clear, we have an active, up-to-date Altair license.
If you're looking for the solver package - that would be included in the HyperWorks CFD Solvers installer package - for Linux.
For the GUI tools you would normally look for HyperWorks Products Installer, HyperWorks Desktop (which includes HyperMesh CFD), and Virtual Wind Tunnel.