Radioss optimization with stress response
Hi all,
I am trying to perform optimization in Radioss through -radopt command. The trouble is that computation terminates at the end of first outer loop when stress response is used:
Accessing uninitialized stress files.
This error occurs in module 'recdrv'.
I have attached files, if anyone would like to check it out.
Hi Ivan,
Please rename the test1.rad as test1.radopt and this .radopt file should be input to OptiStruct solver. Please try and see whether it runs.
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Hi George,
I tried as instructed but the issue remains- it looks like solver runs just as well with either *.rad or *.radopt file extensions. The issue seems to be with stress response in particular, because other responses worked fine.
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Hi Ivan,
Please elaborate on the issue you are facing with the stress response. The stress from results is approximately 11 MPa which is within the constraint and the thickness is changed to 2.268, the constraint and objective is respected in your case.
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Hi George,
my issue with stress response is the run terminates at the end of first outer loop with ERROR # 382 (as described in my opening post) so I get no results. Apparently there is no such problem on your end since you managed to get some results at all. I have no idea what could be the cause, if you did not modify the files.
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Hi Ivan,
Stress response is not supported in B2B response for now. This may be feasible in coming version of HyperWorks.
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Hi Prakash,
thanks for the info.
How is the minimum thickness defined in radopt syntax? I was unable to run with the following:
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Altair Forum User said:
How is the minimum thickness defined in radopt syntax? I was unable to run with the following:
QuoteIt is difficult to edit a file over giving inputs through GUI.
Our Developers are working towards having inputs through GUI /emoticons/default_smile.png' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' title=':)' width='20'>
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Thanks again, Prakash.
Actually, I was referring to minimum thickness (THICK), not member size (MEMBSIZ), but the syntax is the same. I am still having difficulty setting up radopt so looking forward to GUI.