How can I make a DC source have the variable voltage parameter?

Diego Munera
Diego Munera Altair Community Member
edited July 2023 in Community Q&A
I am connected to a hardware TI LAUNCHPAD F28379D and I am using SimCoder.
I need that during the execution of the software it can change the voltage
value of a DC source depending on a condition. I attach the part of the
diagram where I indicate which parameter I should change.
I appreciate your help.
Thank you so much. 



  • Rhonda_20369
    Rhonda_20369 New Altair Community Member
    edited June 2023

    There are many ways to change the DC source value.

    In your real engineering system, how do you want to change the DC source value? What is the control signal or operating condition for the voltage change?

    For example, if you want the DC source to change value from 291 to 250 at time 0.5msec, you may use a Step Voltage source:



    If you want to change the DC source value from 250 to 291 when your control signal changes from 0 to 1:


  • Diego Munera
    Diego Munera Altair Community Member
    edited July 2023

    Hi Rhonda,

    Thanks for your answer,

    My control variable to change de DC reference value is the value of an analog variable. if this value exceeds a limit, i must change the DC reference.

  • Rhonda_20369
    Rhonda_20369 New Altair Community Member
    edited July 2023

    Hi Rhonda,

    Thanks for your answer,

    My control variable to change de DC reference value is the value of an analog variable. if this value exceeds a limit, i must change the DC reference.

    Your algorithm is to "change de DC reference value is the value of an analog variable. if this value exceeds a limit, i must change the DC reference", right?

    This is a very simple algorithm.

    PSIM has many control blocks. You can build your algorithm with a PSIM circuit using a few blocks such as the comparators, the logic gates, the multiplexers, the computational blocks, the nonlinear math blocks, and etc.

    You can use this PSIM circuit to control the voltage-controlled-voltage-source.

  • Albert_Dunford
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2023

    Hi Rhonda,

    Thanks for your answer,

    My control variable to change de DC reference value is the value of an analog variable. if this value exceeds a limit, i must change the DC reference.

    Hi Diego,

    As Rhonda mentions there are many ways of doing this. However, if you can't figure out how to use the "blocks" you can easily inject c code with the c blocks, this will be simulated and then also included in your embedded project.