Can I Re-Activate an element after deactivate it using nodal distance sensors?

Hi everyone,
I have a spring element that should only work when the distance between two nodes is in a certain range.
My problem is that whenever I use a /SENSOR/DIST/ (Type 2), no matter which options I use in Isflag: if the spring is deactivated it does not come back to "activated" again, and the other way around (if it is activated, it does not deactivate with the sensor). I have the feeling that I am not setting up right the parameters Dmin and Dmax, as Isflag=2 seems to be designed for this purpose.
What I need:
If D<Dmax --> Spring is working (activated)
If D>Dmax --> Spring stops working (deactivated)
If D<Dmax again after that --> Spring works again (re-activated)
Distance between nodes.
The Spring element in question is /PROP/TYPE13 (SPR_BEAM)
Can anybody give me a hand?
Hi Diego,
I think what you are doing should work. Maybe you can share your model.
an other Idea could be to use the /ACTIV card to activate & desactivate the spring.
I hope it helps.