2D boundary layer applies to all lines despite correct selection

New Altair Community Member
Hi everyone, I want to create a 2D boundary layer mesh on a surface following the tutorial CFD-1300: https://2022.help.altair.com/2022/hwdesktop/engsol/topics/tutorials/cfd/tut_cfd_1300_plane_2d_meshing_with_bl_t.htm?zoom_highlight=2d I believe to ahve followed the instructions exactly, but the boundary layer is still applied to all of the lines, including those selected in the w/o BL (fixed) or (remesh) options. I also tried meshing the surface directly in the 2D BL Mesh tool without a previous mesh. What could be the issue here?
Starting mesh:
Selected lines for w/o BL (fixed) option:
Result and settings: