Time History Output for composite
I'm trying to get in Hypergraph (T01 file) the results (stress, strain mainly) for composite material (Law 25 CRASURV Formulation).
HyperGraph gives me results in two possible coordinate systems:
- Default: Element Coordinate System
- Skew: Coordinate system for stress output set by user
I want that Hypergraph give me stress in a material coordinate system. For example, if I want hypergraph plot sigma X, I want to be sure that Hypergraph is plotting stress in the direction of the fiber (UD Example).
In short, I want to know if it is possible for Hypergraph to plot the results in the material coordinate system such as Hyperview can do when Resolved In: Ply System is selected.
Thank you in advance
Hi Juan
I doubt whether its possible in HyperGraph. I'll check into this and will update you.
Meanwhile as a workaround , try with Build Plots option in HyperView, which allow users to construct multiple curves and plots from a single result file.
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Ok Thanks,
I'm going to try with the Build Plots of HyperView.
If you solve something I would appreciate you share with people.