A feature request if it does not exist
I would like Hypermesh to have an automatic node (element) association functionality to solids/surfaces/lines. Or even manual ability to select multiple surfaces/solids/lines while associating nodes. Currently, I will have to select individual geometric entities and repeat the process which becomes tedious.
Sometimes I receive partial orphan mesh & CAD geometry and further meshing work is needed. Depending on the model, it may have many surfaces/solids/lines for which existing mesh need to be associated with and it kinda becomes tedious.
Hopefully, this feature request will be passed on the development team if it does exist currently.
Did you try with the Edge Edit option (Geom>>Edge Edit), where using equivalence option user can search for free edges and combine them with a matching edge within the cleanup tolerance.
Also, in Edges panel (Shift+F3) you can select multiple elements or components and can equivalence within the tolerance range. Can you try with these options?.
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Sorry for the late response.
I am talking about associating nodes of an orphan mesh with geometry and this panel provides me a function to accomplish the same. The surface/solids/line entity selector allows only one entity to be selected i.e. only one surface/solid/line. Hopefully Altair can introduce an automatic option or ability to select multiple entities in one go.
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I still not sure how Edge edit option will help in associating orphan mesh nodes to an existing geometry. I'll see if I can try that sometime this week.