optimization of a component for a dynamic bahavior of a system

Hi everybody
i'm performing a modal analysis of a system (photo below). It consists on a sheet (red component) constraint on one side with a T-shaped support on the other side (yellow component). I'm wondering whether it is possible to optimize the shape of the yellow component in order to have in two different eigenmodes model mass or von mises sigma equal or at least of the same order of magnitude?
thanks in advance
Hi Luca,
I am a bit confused about the last part "I'm wondering whether it is possible to optimize the shape of the yellow component in order to have in two different eigenmodes model mass or von mises sigma equal or at least of the same order of magnitude?"
Within a single optimization problem, modal analysis and static analysis can be defined. And then mode frequency and von mises can be defined as responses. These responses(dresp1) can be constrained or used to define objective. Of course complicated responses(dresp2) can be defined to relate these responses.
Please check help of dresp2 and some tutorials for more information.
If you can elaborate your usecase, we can have a look at the method to set it up in OptiStruct.