Plot of Stress vs Frequency empty

Luca Campello
Altair Community Member
good morning everybody
I have a model consisted on a cantilever beam fixed a the top of a base excitated.
I've got a problem: when I try to plot the stress v the frequency, the figure is empty.
Where am i wrong? Could someone help me, please?
I share with you the model .hm
Thank you in advance
what were the steps that you have performed to plot your results?
I was able to plot some Stress x Frequency grphs as you can see below.
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my steps are
Plot Query> Element Stresses > i select the element i want to discover the stress of > I highlight all the type of stress (XX, YY, ...., ZX) > Z1 as layer > Apply
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could you suggest me other steps?
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ok thank you, I'll inform you tomorrow
very kind from you