Tetra solid remodeling problem with geometry substitution

Good evening,
I'm having a problem solid modeling with tetra elements.
I can't reshape correctly on a replaced geometry, in continuity on an already existing tetra mesh. In the example model that I send, there is already a second order tetra mesh, while the new solid components are the white plate and the two purple columns.
I am having difficulty with the "COMBINE" tool of the new geometries with the old ones, consequently then in creating the tetramesh of the new geometry, in such a way that it has the same nodal coincidence of the green and brown elements.
I am attaching the .hm model.
Thank you for the moment and if you need further clarification on the matter, feel free to ask.
Best regard
I tried a few different things but I had the best luck with deleting the existing mesh and remeshing all the solids at once.