Reference vector
Hi! I have implemented typ 16 property for a fabric material and now creating a material card from tensile test results. I am a bit confused of the ref vector in the property card. I understand, if Vx =1 the direction of fiber is aligned with global X-axis, but how will it assign the x-axis of fiber to global axis?
What happens with the other cases, if
vx=0 ; vy=1; vz=0
vx=1; vy=1;vz=0
I have performed the tens. test by having a fabric(warp, weft fibers separated 90deg) whose warp and weft are parallel and perpendicular respectively to the loading direction.
Any answers regarding this are highly appreciable. Thanks in advance
Currently I am running with Vx=1; vy=0; vz=0.
If the fiber axis are not loaded parallel to one of the fibers then local skew would help me, but i'm a bit curious with other conditions as
vx=0 ; vy=1; vz=0
vx=1; vy=1;vz=0
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Attached are the images, where axis 1 & 2 define the fiber direction 1 & 2 respectively and L is the loading direction. So I would assume these values
case1: vx=1; vy=0; vz=0 ( or should it be vx=0; vy=1;vz=0)
phii = 0; alphai =90
case2: vx=1; vy=1; vz=0 with phii=0
or is it something different?
I am sorry if I am totally wrong, because I am a bit confused even though reading the manual.
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Hi Ushay,
As you told for reference vector if we assign Vx=1 and Vy=Vz=0, the direction of fiber is aligned with global X-axis.
If Vx=Vy=1 and Vz=0 is provided it will take the resultant vector.
It's always recommended to create a local skew and assign the same for different orientation.
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Got it George!
Thank you very much